There’s such a thing as “too much information”, especially for
5 to 7 June 2019, Waterfront Hotel, London
How you transform your business as tech, consumer, habits industry dynamic change, Find out from those leading the charge.
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamic
1How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamic
3How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamic
2How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamic
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamic s change? Find out from those leading the charge.
World is committed to making participation in the event a harassment free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression
Ioannis Psarros
X-Energy Commodities Conference 2020 is the catalyst which accelerates your energy business.
Alexandros Papageorgiou
When we see traditional Oil majors, to invest in renewables, waiting the oil to be no needed, before the 2030, we understand that the results of the x-Energy commodities conference, will be in the next years, at the student’s books of the biggest future universities....
Stay tuned...... we writing history!!!
Maria Vasakou
- Enabling the electricity market transition in Greece
- The Hellenic Exchange, the Energy Clear and the official start of the operation
- Why the organized power and gas markets are the best way to deliver decarbonization?
Jan Haizmann
Enrico Edoli
- Greek energy markets transition : Walking the line
- Energy & Commodities clearing services : Ready for the new era
Future Plans for Energy & Commodities Clearing : All-in, green and lean
Effie Vatali
- Union of capital markets and union of power and gas markets, pros and cons
- The Hellenic Exchange and the Energy Clear and the details of their operation along with the Capital Markets Commission as supervisor body
Konstantin Konstantinov
- Regulatory oversight is essential to ensure the integrity of traded markets.
- The decentralised, OTC nature of the European energy market
- Collecting and reporting every order, trade and lifecycle event
- Past, present and future developments in regulatory reporting.
- A review of recent global and European gas market trends and IEAs medium-term outlook
- How does the interconnection’s capacity increase contribute to a lower gas price environment?
- How do the new gas infrastructures diversify EU's sources? And why is this important?
- How does the underground and floating pipe gas and LNG storages affect the european gas prices?
Manolis Kalaitzakis
Alexandros Papageorgiou
Panel Discussion: The synergies between the Energy and Shipping industries
Open dialogue between:
Christos Papadopoulos
Laurent Schmitt
- Top areas of digitalization in Energy and Commodity trading
- Stages of digitization and innovation
- Example of application of Big Unstructured Data AI for renewable forecasting
Ioannis Psarros
Philippe Vasilopoulos
Eylert Ellefsen
EQ has made hydrology available and affordable for all market players in Europe. "Modelling and forecasting the Balkan and Greek hydropower system"
- Overview of the model concept
- Takeaways from the model fitting
- Presentation of simulated historical normals for ground/snow reservoirs
- Comparing seasonal normals to historical status and recent forecasts
Roberta Carinelli
- Fundamental prices drivers in SEE markets
- A short introduction to Wattsight’s forward price model for Central and South East Europe
- What to expect next? Power market outlook winter Q4-20/ Q1-21
Antony Zhelyazkov
There’s such a thing as “too much information”, especially for
There’s such a thing as “too much information”, especially for
There’s such a thing as “too much information”, especially for
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Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
1Hd- 50, 010 Avenue, NY 90001
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
1Hd- 50, 010 Avenue, NY 90001
United States
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595