ON STAGE X-Energy exchanges 2025 Schedule

09.00 - 09.30 Registration
09.30 - 09.35 Welcome Note
09.35 - 10.00 Opening Interview:
(depended on Event Ambassador’s needs)
10.00 - 10.30 Panel discussion among executives from Energy Exchanges.
Latest developments, new products and platforms offered and the liquidity boost techniques they can use. Moderation by: [tba] Panelists: [tba]
10.30 - 11.30

1st Session: How Energy Exchanges Are Driving Liquidity:
Examples from Day-Ahead, Intraday, and Forward Markets for Power, Gas and Environmental Contracts Keynotes about:
A) "Innovating Market Liquidity: The Role of Day-Ahead and Intraday Markets"
B) "Unlocking Cross-Border Energy Trading through Forward Markets"
C) "Ensuring Liquidity and market making offers in Volatile Markets"
D) "Case Studies: Gas to Power Volatility development"
E) "New platforms, new products: The battle among Energy Exchanges for new revenues" 

11.30 - 11.45 Coffee Break
11.45 - 13.20 2nd Session: Utilities, Consumers, and Consultants:
The ‘bras de fer’ of the Long-Term Demand Forecasting Keynotes about:
A) "Is the Power Demand Forecast the Holy Grail of Energy trading?"
B) "How the power consumption cut-offs affect the demand/supply curve in the long run?"
C) "Creating Long-Term Power Demand Forecasting models"
D) "Estimating the Guarantees of Origin (GoOs) prices in the long run"
E) "Where will the liquidity for cPPAs come from (technologies, geographies)?"
13.20 - 14.45 Lunch Break / Networking
14.45 - 16.00 3rd Session: Technological Advancements for IPPs, Aggregators, Utilities, and Traders
Keynotes about:
A) "The Future of AI and Machine Learning in Energy Trading"
B) "The state of the art Risk Management and Deal Capturing Platforms"
C) "The Rise of System Operators: Navigating through Complex Energy Grids"
D) "The crucial role of RES and Demand Aggregators when designing the energy markets of the future"
16.00 - 16.10 Coffee Break
16.10 - 17.30 4th Session: Cybersecurity in the Energy Sector
Keynotes about:
A) "Hacking the Grid: Real-Life Cybersecurity Threats and Responses"
B) "Building a Resilient Cybersecurity Framework for the Energy Sector"
C) "The Future of Cybersecurity: Challenges and Opportunities in Energy Markets"
D) "Lessons Learned from Major Cyber Attacks on Energy Infrastructures and not only"
17.30 - 18.00 Farewell / Networking / Business Dinners (depended on Sponsors needs)
9.30 - 9.40 AM (Greek Time)
Welcome Note

Ioannis Psarros [Founder & Owner, E-ntelligence E.E]

Welcome Note

X-Energy Commodities Conference 2020 is the catalyst which accelerates your energy business.

Welcome Note

Alexandros Papageorgiou [CEO, EnEx]

Welcome Note

When we see traditional Oil majors, to invest in renewables, waiting the oil to be no needed, before the 2030, we understand that the results of the  x-Energy commodities conference, will be in the next years, at the student’s books of the biggest future universities....

Stay tuned......  we writing history!!!

9.40 - 11.40 AM (Greek Time)
1st Session - Moderator

Maria Vasakou [Director, PPC]

1st Session - Moderator


The Hellenic Power & Gas Exchange, the Energy Clear and the official start of the operation

- Enabling the electricity market transition in Greece

- The Hellenic Exchange, the Energy Clear and the official start of the operation

- Why the organized power and gas markets are the best way to deliver decarbonization?



EEX Group's roadmap to global success

  • Overview of EEX Group's global portfolio in addition to highlighting its leading position in power and dry bulk freight



EEX’s developments in Greece

  • Volumes year-on-year GR power
  • Active participants and upcoming members
  • Emissions and natural gas offering
  • PPAs hedging opportunities



National Bank of Greece in Energy & Commodities Services


- Greek energy markets transition : Walking the line

- Energy & Commodities clearing services : Ready for the new era

Future Plans for Energy & Commodities Clearing : All-in, green and lean


The Hellenic Exchange and the Energy Clear

-  Union of capital markets and union of power and gas markets, pros and cons

-  The Hellenic Exchange and the Energy Clear and the details of their operation along with the Capital Markets Commission as supervisor body 



Developments in regulatory reporting – a forward view

- Regulatory oversight is essential to ensure the integrity of traded markets.
- The decentralised, OTC nature of the European energy market
- Collecting and reporting every order, trade and lifecycle event
- Past, present and future developments in regulatory reporting.


Gas Analysis

- A review of recent global and European gas market trends and IEAs medium-term outlook

- How does the interconnection’s capacity increase contribute to a lower gas price environment?

- How do the new gas infrastructures diversify EU's sources? And why is this important?

- How does the underground and floating pipe gas and LNG storages affect the european gas prices?

Power derivatives in SAXO Trading Platform

Manolis Kalaitzakis [Director, EnEx]

Power derivatives in SAXO Trading Platform

  • basic figures of traded volumes for the liquid eex products in saxo platform
  • when to expect derivatives for illiquid markets
  • fees and admission process
  • compliance needs for business accounts

11:40 - 12:00 AM


12.00 - 14.00 PM (Greek Time)
2nd Session - Moderator

Alexandros Papageorgiou [CEO, EnEx]

2nd Session - Moderator

Panel Discussion: The synergies between the Energy and Shipping industries

Open dialogue between:

  • Dimitris Mattheou, CEO, Arcadia Shipmanagement Co Ltd., Aegean Bulk Co Inc. | Chairman at Green Award Foundation
  • Harris Kosmatos, Corporate Development Officer, Tsakos Energy Navigation, Ltd.
  • Filimon Antonopoulos, Managing Director, Tallon Commodities London
  • John Patiniotis, CFO, Carras Shipping
  • Dimitris Exarchou, Partner of HFW
  • Claudia Gerotto, Sr Key Account Manager Global Commodities, EEX


14:00 - 14:15 PM





14.15 - 15.15 PM (Greek Time)
3rd Session - Technical Analysis for Gas and Power Markets

Christos Papadopoulos [VP, Energy Exemplar]

3rd Session - Technical Analysis for Gas and Power Markets

  • Why look at charts?
  • Basic tenets of Technical Analysis
  • The “Double Top” formation
  • Current charts for Power and Gas
  • The Futurestechs report


Digital disruption in Commodity Trading

- Top areas of digitalization in Energy and Commodity trading
- Stages of digitization and innovation
- Example of application of Big Unstructured Data AI for renewable forecasting

4th Session 15.15 - 17.00 PM (Greek Time)
4th Session - Moderator

Ioannis Psarros [Founder & Owner, E-ntelligence E.E]

4th Session - Moderator

Route4Gas – the Digital Link between Physical Gas Flows and Gas Trading

Philippe Vasilopoulos [Director, EPEX spot]

Route4Gas – the Digital Link between Physical Gas Flows and Gas Trading

  • Inefficiencies in the European gas market
  • How is the value of natural gas created?
  • Route4Gas links them all!
  • Automatic monetization of gas flows and unused capacities


Modelling and forecasting the Balkan and Greek hydropower system

EQ has made hydrology available and affordable for all market players in Europe. "Modelling and forecasting the Balkan and Greek hydropower system"

- Overview of the model concept

- Takeaways from the model fitting

- Presentation of simulated historical normals for ground/snow reservoirs

- Comparing seasonal normals to historical status and recent forecasts


Operational optimization of cross border trading activity in SEE and CWE power markets

  • Critical issues in bids submission: JAO and SEECAO cases.
  • Critical issues in nomination process: IPTO and TERNA cases
  • Unification of bidding and nomination process through the use of web services

Medium-term power prices: modeling approach and winter outlook

Roberta Carinelli [Manager, EEX]

Medium-term power prices: modeling approach and winter outlook

-  Fundamental prices drivers in SEE markets

-  A short introduction to Wattsight’s forward price model for Central and South East Europe

-  What to expect next? Power market outlook winter Q4-20/ Q1-21

His presentation will be about:

Antony Zhelyazkov [Head, IBEX]

His presentation will be about:

  • The necessity for the digital transformation in the maritime industry
  • The contribution of smart technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the development of a new era in shipping.
  • Practical examples of the benefits that shipping companies get in regard to their operational efficiency, F.O. consumption optimization, predictive maintenance and environmental footprint management




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